“Regate has allowed us to manage our growth with total peace of mind.”

François Toussaint
Enchanted Tools
Regate at Enchanted Tools

How to manage the accounting of a company that has grown from 3 to 50 people alone thanks to Regate.

As soon as he arrived among the first employees of Enchanted Tools, François identified the main challenge of the company's early years: managing and closely monitoring expenses and cash flow. Regate offers him this control but also the possibility of producing accurate reports in real time for his manager.

30 to 200

“It took me more time to manage a few invoices in Excel, than hundreds today with Regate.”

François Toussaint
Enchanted Tools

The benefits of Regate

Consult my reporting in real time

Having a detailed and real-time vision of outgoing flows is critical for François, administrative and financial director. He can thus better control his cash flow, avoid unpleasant surprises at D+30 and therefore have greater control of operations.


Save time on management

François is always alone in the finance and accounting team. How does he do it? This is thanks to Regate and the time saved on data entry, registration or even reconciliation. Without Regate, he would need at least one additional person. And certainly more so in the future.


Optimize supplier payments

Regate allows François to know at a glance which invoices are due, their amounts, and whether or not they have been approved. This is a crucial element for Enchanted Tools, which seeks to maintain a very fine control of its expenses, and the best relationships with its suppliers.


“It's simple, without Regate, I wouldn't be able to pay my suppliers on time.”

François Toussaint
Enchanted Tools

Their favorite features

The invoice approval circuit

The Enchanted Tools business generates a large number of invoices issued by numerous suppliers. It is essential for François that these invoices are quickly approved by buyers for payment, which Regate allows him to do so very simply.

Regate interface element
Regate interface element


Thanks to OCR (which captures relevant information from documents), automatic bank reconciliation, or customizable rules for generating accounting entries, François relies confidently on Regate automation.

Monitoring the status of the invoice

For François, knowing the status of each invoice is essential. He can thus follow from the dashboard those that require his attention (to be approved, to be paid, etc.) and can use filters to find the most urgent ones according to his current priority.

Regate interface element

“I am alone on the team because Regate allows me to.”

François Toussaint
Enchanted Tools

The impact of Regate
In a few figures


FTE saved with Regate


availability of reports for the manager


Surprise at the end of the period

What if you try Regate?

Regate automates your financial and accounting management and saves you time on a daily basis.

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Utilisateur Regate
Utilisateur Regate